Friday, September 21, 2012

Imagine Sisters Movement


Something I really enjoy is seeing pictures of sisters "in their element". Meaning, praying, serving people, playing football in habits, hanging out, etc. It really fosters the realization that sisters are REAL PEOPLE.

The first time I ever felt the call to discern religious life was when I was on a Mission Trip in North Dakota and by a huge stroke of grace I wound up by myself in a convent for a night. I got there incredibly late, and the sisters had already gone to bed, so I assumed I probably wouldn't meet them. In the morning we found out that the sister's school had cancelled class due to snow. I walked out of the bathroom to find two very young sisters running around the convent screaming there was a snow day. They began to make a big omelet breakfast and were talking about playing cards. Suddenly, it hit me. Sisters are real people. I am a real person. And I think the Lord might call me to be this type of real person.

Naturally I freaked out at first, but thanks to a very holy priest, I started to discern religious life. Three years later, I'm still not exactly sure where the Lord is leading me, but I can look to that moment as the beginning of being open to thinking about religious life.

Now, why am I blabbering on and on about this? Because Imagine Sisters is a really neat organization that helps women become more open to discerning religious life. They have a bunch of really neat pictures on their Facebook page of authentic, beautiful sisters just being. They are also making a movie (a la Fishers of Men) about religious life that promises to be beautiful, along with other great resources. In other words, worth your time.

They have a website, Facebook page, and a blog. Lots of good stuff!
Blog:'s a nice little video talking about vocations and Imagine Sisters.

Now, get out there and be traddy!

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