Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Fight for Freedom of Religion


The HHS mandate is sending a message loud and clear to Catholics (and Pro-lifers everywhere) that the government is not willing to honor the freedom of religion our country was founded on.  Most people can at least recognize that.  But, what many people miss are the implications this mandate will have on every person, whether they work in healthcare or not.  Many people mistakenly believe they will not be affected by the mandate directly because they do not work in healthcare, and therefore lack an interest in fighting against it.  It's true--this bill may not directly squeeze the throats of everyone just yet.  But it's a slippery slope we are heading down.

The implications of the mandate are HUGE. There are thousands of pro-life and Catholic organizations in the US, and every single one of those does not perform abortions or provide birth control for their employees .  A Hospital found violating these policies (as well as others) can lose their Catholic status, as one hospital in Arizona found out the hard way.  If the government forced these hospitals to be compliant with  abortions and giving out birth control, the only logical conclusion is all of the Catholic hospitals would have to shut their doors (remember the statement from the US Bishops in 2008 with FOCA?).  

There is something even more grave about the HHS mandate: it breaks the walls that have protected religious freedom from the government since the founding of our country. If Obama succeeds in passing this, it sends a message that the government can impose any law they desire on the country without regards to religious freedom.  Why?  This is a blatant attack on religion--there is absolutely no one you could find on the street with any sort of common sense or logic that would be able to disagree with you what this is about.  Once the walls of protection around religion are broken down, who's to say that they won't force people to comply with all kinds of other laws violating Christianity? We aren't just talking about Catholicism here!  Laws that most people were able to relativistically sidestep before will be slammed on people. 

Today it's the HHS mandate.  If passed, anyone and anything is fair game for the government to attack, regardless of religion.  If we don't stand up now (whether we think it will affect us or not), we could get slammed in the face in a few years. Today, it's about healthcare.  Next time, it can be about any field or aspect of life.  Anyone who values their religious freedom (whether Christian, Bhuddist, Muslim, etc.) should attempt to force Obama to rescind the mandate. 

Oh wait, it just so happens we have to opportunity to at least get noticed:

I recommend everyone to post the link on their Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or whatever social outlet you use.  Remind our brothers and sisters this isn't just about birth control and abortions--this is about religious freedom in our country.  

 If we are truly Catholic, we must stand up for what is right and defend the dignity of every human life.  Catholics do not give out birth control, do not support abortion, and do not support this bill.  There is no gray area here: you are either Catholic and stand with the Church, or you are against the Church.  Sign the petition, get out there, and PRAY FOR OUR BISHOPS AND GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS!

This is only the beginning. 

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have Mercy on Us.
Sorrowful Heart of Mary, Pray for us.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.

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